Unduh GnuCash

Download executable bundles of the GnuCash program inclusive documentation or the source files here. Several versions are available for recent and older operating systems.

Rilis stabil (5.10)

Rilis stabil dari GnuCash telah diuji coba dan dapat digunakan untuk keperluan sehari-hari.

Rilis stabil terakhir GnuCash adalah 5.10. Pilih unduhan untuk sistem operasi anda di bawah ini.



Most linux distributions come bundled with a version of GnuCash, though it's not always the most recent version and it may not have been installed by default. Still it is recommended to use the GnuCash version that comes with your distribution.

At repology.org you can compare which distribution which version ships.

Below are ways to install GnuCash on some of the more popular distributions:


Source code

If you can't easily install GnuCash in your distribution, or wish to install a different version than it ships with, you can build GnuCash from source code as described in the wiki.

This old stable release is the final version of all bugfixes from the previous stable series without being a major upgrade.

The last old stable release of GnuCash (available below) is 4.14.

Versi terakhir berdasarkan riwayat sistem operasi

These versions are really old. No support is offered.


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